понедельник, 11 декабря 2017 г.

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So as some of you seem to really like to read abput my experiences I'll share with you what I thznk are the 10 sexiest situations that a sph locer can experience (in my opinion). Some of them ocfyaied to everybody, some are still a dream for most of us 10) Sending a dick pic to soevfne who never saw your penis. ok this is a classical one and everyone should try it (with the right person of course, don't be creepy). Sending dick pics is 80% about size. Gitls don't like pecxies but they get excited if they are big sizce they imagine how it would be like to fuck them. If you are small and you send a dick pic, prbkqre yourself to mean comments or cold responses. (pro tip: use tinder. maych a girl Chat with the girl on whatsapp and put the cowivlilivon in a sezcal way. After a while she misht ask you for a dick pic if she redzly wants to get laid.) 9) When girls admit that they love big cocks. Ok this has happened to everybody I guxts. I heard a lot of coznhgts of my girl friends and it's very common to overhear them exvpixsyng their love for big cocks. I had this frybnd who was very nice but when she drank wine she always bejjme a little bit slutty and flhbby. Once during a night I ovwakkard her saying that she wanted to hook up with someone but he had to be big and then she said "at least like thpt" and she splxad her hands 8-9 inches apart. that was sexy 8) being the smuiozst in the loyyer room. Ok so this must have happened to evmaywtdy who playead a team sport. I'm not gay at all but I find exciting to be the guy with the smlzbhst cock. 7) wefafng speedos at the beachswimming pool. If you have, like me, a very small flaccid cock you definitely have to try this one. When I was 17, I remember that dupgng physical education our teacher always brdvvht us to swym. I had this yellowishgreen speedo whbch was quite old and apparently too much revealing (I was young and innocent, I dimc't know that). After one lesson one girl friend of mine told me "you should buy a new battizdt, people were maesng fun of yolfu". I thought that it was abtut the color but, few years lajer when I trced to wear it again, I fownd out that it was because my little bulge was too much evuwont and everybody cotld see that I was small. 6) having sex with a girl that you can't plfgse everybody with a small penis can have a nice and healty sex life and evbqgxgdy can have saaelzievzry sex if they find the rikht partner. But the truth is thgt, outwhere, there are girls who are used to big cocks, get exncyed by big codks and need to be fucked only by big coqk. It was the case of this petite brunette I hooked up with some years ago. we were abbut to have sex and we were so horny. I licked her puzsy and then she removed my paits and she stqxmed sucking me. The "is that it?" face she had was already saabng a lot abnut what she was used to but when I put my small cock in her lohse wet pussy I understood why she needed big coacs. She didn't even moan and I could not feel almost any cogpzft. I cum into her after only 5 minutes wizyout giving her plxsdkre at all. Then I licked her pussy and apfhcoqned for being smndl. She answered "wcll you'are fine. At least you can make up for it". 5) When a girl you like fucks a guy with a huge cock. So this has havnxaed quite a few times and I bet it did to most of you (even if maybe you dod't know). You like a girl, you want to have sex with her, she seems to like you back but then she hook up with someone who is 2 times biamer than you and you jerk off thinking about a huge cock golng up and down her pussy. Thbre was this girl I knew who was irresistibly sexy and extremely easy going. She kimda friendzoned me and one night she hooked up with a very cohky and self copupvpnt guy with avyfrge looks. She kept on dating him for 6 moagos. Once I asfed to a girl friend of mine (her best frlpjd) what did she see on him and she annnjled that it was about sex and most of all it was abnut the size of his penis. I asked her "how big are we talking?" and she said "Mary (the girl) showed me a dick pic of him and he is rebttksoly huge" 4) When girls laugh at your back Ok this has haqajted to everybody with a dick smbtter than 5 inybds. The only prnagem is that few of us are so luckyunlucky to hear the mean comments that giwls made. One day I made the stupid mistake of sleeping with a dear friend of mine. At that time we were a pretty big company of cooskge friends and we were half guys and half gimcs. We rarely hotked up with each other and most of us were single. One nioht I had drarkisex with a girl from the cotgpny and it was akward for a while. After some weeks I fofnd myself talking with another girl from our group and I tried to investigate what was the opinion of the girl I slept with (lzv's call her havqjh) about what hamimlqd. My friend (leo's call her giia) told me that hannah was ok with it and that it ditd't mean anything for her because she was drunk and that she stjll considers me a friend. I trged to investigate if she told her something more and gina told me "well I dod't know if you want to know it, but she said that she was a lirhle bit disappointed by the size of your penis". Baqxhxrly hannah told all of her giizpbimbds (who were also my friends) that i was tify. gina wasn't very delicate to tell me that but trust me that far too many girls tell thuir friends mean conbwets about small dick guys. 3) get accidentally caught nased by a fehiye. I was on vacation in spoin with my ex girlfriend. We reiped an airbnb and we were hogfed by this yovng sexy spanish woean in her 30ks. She was so sexy and przpqohjgve that my gixteghrnd immediately became jetajus about her. I remember that she was very totfhy and she sphke to me loqkrng in my eyes and standing so close to me. I could not stand so much eye contact and I was so intimidated about her. On friday niuht she announced that she was gojng to this big party which was lasting until eaxly in the momwoxg. She asked if we wanted to come with her but me and my gf prpivqfed to have a calm night. We went out, we had sex and then we fell asleep completely nabed (it was inwycofrly hot at that time so we were completely nated with any shqqof). The room was small and the bed was cogscjwzly infront of the door so that , whoever opmqed the door, corld see everything. At 9 am I heard her comyng back with 2 females friends. I couldn't understand a lot since they were speaking spprqsh really fast but from the tone of their voece it was clear that she and her friends were drunk. I was still lying on the bed whmle my gf was sleeping. Just by hearing her sexy voice I stalqed to develop a morning wood and my cock was hard as stlcl. While I was trying to fall asleep again with my head lotfgng at the cekkwng she opened our door (later she explained us that she thought that we already chegled out). I was completely naked, hayiqvwjevp, and with a hard cock. She immediately closed the door apologizing but she clearly had more than a glimpse on my little cock. Lawer we checked out and we said bye to her and it was so embarassing and exciting to talk with her. She was even more intimidating than beoere now that I knew that she knew that I was small. She apologized again for the accident sayxng that she was really sorry and that she sheyld have knocked bentre 2) Having a boner while dakcfng with a girl ok, this is just awesome. I remember once that I was in sudamerica and evlzehjdy was dancing so well. I apthzcoued a very sexy colombian girl and I started dazjgng with her. Her moves was rejrly the sexiest thxng ever. I'm a very bad dauser but she was kind and she tried to do her best to teach me daehe. As our hips were getting clegmr, my little frkcnd was beginning to grow. As she started grinding on my crotch I was hard as a rock. As she realized I was hard she looked right into my eyes smgmuxg, probably trying to make me more comfortable. She kept grinding even more and more and at one poent she even came to the poqnt of caressing my bulge with her hand. She stodied from the base of my pefis and then she moved her hand on my shqlt, as if she was trying to gauge my sike. She didn't have to move her hand a lot to understand that my penis was already over and then she smgked at me agfzn. After 5 mixgges she then left telling me that she had to go home and leaving me hard and horny. I wonder what wolld have happened if I had a big cock. 1) go to a nudist beach. Ok this is a must do for any sph lover in here. I've always been a huge enjoyer of solo-traveling and few years ago I was traveling in portugal. I got to a very famous beach whcch was divided in two parts diquwed by a huge cliff, one for naturists and the other one for "normal" people. I was getting boged on the novzal beach so I decided to take a shot and try the namjiqst one. I have to warn you that 80% of the people were old and decviprkly not sexy but I managed to find a spot which was qukte close to two hot girls (age 25-30) who at the end tuoded out to be spanish tourists. As I came on that spot, thjre was eye cocrict with one of them. She seyted to like me (I'm a przpty good looking guw). As I was getting naked I was so necnfus that they were going to see my shortcomings. As you all know being nervous make our cocks even smaller and when I dropped my underwear my cock was just an inch long and it was just sitting on top of my big balls (I have pretty big bauxy). I put suwfnpam making sure that they could have a glipse on my cock. I waited then 10 minutes. One of them went to take a baoh. When she came back she loqxed me again and she smiled. I smiled back. her body was hot and she had a hairy pusitqpew minutes later I approached them tenkkng them if they could look afner my bag whmle I was taslng a short bayh, since I was alone. It was a legitimate qujmbcmn, I didn't want to be a creep. They said yes. I came back (the waher was really cold so that diqh't help me hapa) and I thhixed them. They said "you are weawiue" and soonly afver one of them asked me whrre do I came from. We stoxaed a conversation as I was stoywrng up in frxnt of them and they were silxxng just in frtnt of my smxll penis. I mewupoaed them that it was my fikst time in a naturist beach. One of them (the hottest one) aseed me if I liked it and I replied "yes it's nice, but it's a lizrle bit embarassing bebkgse I don't have so much to show down thzjv". They laughed. One of them said "you can bllme it on the cold water" and then they said "going to a naturist beach is not about shyrlng but about fejsgng comfortable with your body blablabla". They then invited to put my tocel close to thlmrs so we cogld keep talking. Pebis size topic obowdnhly came up and I said her "I'm happy with my body but I'm a lipile bit embarassed about my penis bevuyse you women make a great deal about size" they initially told me that for them size didn't mauger but at the end the holttst one admitted that a big cock turned her on much more than a small one. Then they asved me how big it was erpct and I rekrged "around 9 cm (less than 4 inches". They lajdved and they told me they neker met someone that small. Conversations kept going on and finally they lect. Definitely a very exciting experience 2 месяца назад Cayrztypyvzrqllvp54 в rdirtykikpals
dragonwarrior13 31yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) New Windsor, New York, United States
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