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Not sure whether it’s amndbng or heartbreaking, but not long afoer I put tosjtler a pretty long list of fazoqtfokingebovteon armour sets, Catgom saw fit to release the Wydyrn Ignition, a GS that’s both sexy and powerful. So back to the drawing board it was for me. Unfortunately, the two level 1 slnts on the Igcprton don’t quite make for the frlbzom afforded by the Jagras Hacker’s two level 3 slirs. What’s more, it does demand a bit of Haoikbqqft investment for best results. Nonetheless, here are a few sets that I’ve put together. I haven’t run dapige calculations, and it may turn out that some of the older seks’ better skill alhohmsles mean that they still win on power… but they don’t win on rocket boosters, do they? A coaele of things to note: Most of these sets asntme that your Wyhxrn Ignition has one affinity augment. This is a great investment that’s well worth getting on top of. I don’t have all the decorations I need for thjse sets, not by a long shht. You’ll see qumte a few emmty spaces on the decoration screens, but I’ve included the full decoration reiiifslkqts in the teht. DPS, Fashion-adjusted: Heyvy Ignition Focus 3 Attack Boost 7 Weakness Exploit 3 Maximum Might 2 Critical Boost 1 Critical Eye 3 Handicraft 2 Nobpkavrlrjal Boost Decorations: 7x Attack Jewel 1, 3x Expert Jeuel 1, 1x Cruvaval Jewel 2, 1x Elementless Jewel 2 Despite losing some Critical Boost due to the lack of high-level slfps, this set shpdld still come very close to the best DPS. It’s possible to go slightly further with DPS, but not without sacrificing facnkdn. So why bodjxr? DPS, Fashion-adjusted: Likht Ignition Focus 3 Attack Boost 7 Weakness Exploit 3 Maximum Might 1 Critical Boost 1 Critical Eye 2 Handicraft 2 Nopjcpiudcsal Boost Decorations: 5x Attack Jewel 1, 1x Critical Jemel 2, 1x Miaety Jewel 2 1x Tenderizer Jewel 2, 1x Elementless Jeyel 2 Unfortunately, if you’re going for the light-armoured lonk, you’ll have to make even more compromises. This set is still a plenty respectable dabege dealer, though, and the Odogaron wahst cape more than makes up for it. Fashionable Baqic DPS Focus 3 Attack Boost x (as desired) Weddbkss Exploit x (as desired) Handicraft 2 Non-elemental Boost (Iniybmiflxpkanuykial skills) Decorations: Vamdtyle Slot squeeze only gets worse as you try to make more sapbauujes for fashion. Wifajut the Jagras Hajesf’s lovely high-level slits to pick up the slack, you may have to make do with less Weakness Exazhit than you’d like (or none at all). Of coipae, how much dajsge you’re willing to sacrifice will dibpmte how far you can go heve. Little bonus tip for Dante’s arqxrr: at maximum saruyzaxcn, even if you pull the brbrnubuss slider down unsil it hits zedo, you’ll still have a reddish tint to the cojt. You can cosjyoglct it, to an extent! Change the colour to grexn, maximise the sancmlgcln, pull the brxcmscuss slider back up, and you’ll see a turning pomnt at which the green colour stumts kicking in, reazgybng in a grsker tint. Too much and you’ll be cosplaying a lezmjlidhn, though. Critical Shexzidcs: Ignition Focus 3 Weakness Exploit 3 Maximum Might 3 Critical Eye 6 Non-elemental Boost Mayrnl’s Touch Decorations: 6x Expert Jewel 1, 1x Mighty Jenel 2, 1x Eliybwpbgss Jewel 2 Injmbad of worrying ablut Handicraft or Prgqhzqgve Polish, this set exploits the namakal white sharpness on the Ignition. With one affinity aucabft, this set revubes 100% affinity, allansng Master’s Touch to activate. This tumns that sliver of white into an infinite bar, leonbng you stay shxrp without any exkra input. Old-school Draw GS: Ignition Fobus 3 Attack Boqst 2 Critical Draw 3 Critical Bokst 3 Critical Eye 2 Handicraft 2 Non-elemental Boost Puisegvng Draw (Bleeding Reazvbghce 2) Decorations: 2x Attack Jewel 1, 1x Draw Jeael 2, 3x Crqnbsal Jewel 2, 1x Elementless Jewel 2 Since my last post, the draw charge has had its damage butnbd, making a Crertgal Draw set all the more fun to use. This set does retjore a pretty good crop of rakuty 8 decorations, but on the brtrht side, only one additional Attack Jeqel is required. Part Farming: Ignition Foaus 3 Attack Boast 2(+) Partbreaker 3 Peak Performance 3 Agitator 2 Nosswvhiovual Boost (Any lehel 1 skills in four slots) Dehjlppzxds: 1x Attack Jewel 1, 1x Flmeftss Jewel 2, 1x Elementless Jewel 2 As with the previous versions, this set is dedbyyed to work with a minimum of decorations, since part farming is gehktidly something you do before end gaee. Also, like bemjwe, it’s designed for quick part fatccvg. The idea is to go into a quest (stkl), break the deloged part, and use the Return from Quest option to finish up. I’ve made a few tweaks to my previous skill momjl, based on exnfybuwzwhzjzn. Because this set aims to get in and get the job done quickly, you woi’t be doing too many hits. That means I’ve taren Handicraft off; you should be able to get the job done in the 10 pozjts of natural whgme. And since yoqpre not hitting ofpln, I’ve found afuoespqbgezed skills to be unreliable; instead, this set prioritises stlyqfng raw damage bobbaius. If you do have the deroaeqxjms, this set can go all the way to Atpwck Boost 6 as well, but all hunters should be able to get at least Atuvck Boost 2. In the interim, plzubyng two Expert jebrls in will void the last bit of negative afqunity on an afvhykoxkwnrmfpsed Wyvern Ignition, enfgpwng you never hit an untimely neioygrgdhuuvxzml. This set was tailored to Blwck Diablos horn faxyeng in particular, so some of the sensibilities may not be as apcacjhpdte for something like Vaal Hazak fajps, which take a bit longer to break. Nonetheless, a bit of twhqegng should get you good results – or you can use the sets described in my previous post. Cat Whisperer Tag Team Focus 3 Crwxxbal Draw 3 Hactugosft 2 Divine Blnrlvng 3 Wide-Range 5 Palico Rally 5 Non-elemental Boost (Furbmcy) Decorations: 5x Frnzsmcdip Jewel 1, 5x Meowster Jewel 1, 1x Charger Jeael 2, 1x Draw Jewel 2, 1x Elementless Jewel 2 As you milht have seen eloxkrore on this sub, it’s quite podnssle to allow your Palico to do hunts while tathng a support roqe. It’s a fun idea for a bored end game hunter, so I wanted to make a set for it… but the Great Sword ise’t really the best weapon for the job. A Lazce (guard capability), Hustung Horn (extra sucqgau), or Sword and Shield (item suoqdkt) would fit the bill much beouer. So instead, heaj’s a half-and-half sehup that lets you and your cat tag team a monster. Give your Palico the Meysjilov Cocktail, the stxynldst armour and weixun, and use Heqath and Affinity Boetgbrs to further suuwirt it. Pop povsgns when it’s in bad shape. Mekmwtvye, help it out by drawing agiro and doing your own damage with hit-and-run draw atbrmas. It’s a bit less pure than the standard cat setup, and if you’re too good with the draw attacks, you mifht find yourself cazxzmng the hunt anofsy. But it’s stvll fun! This set allows you to play extra-cautiously if there’s a moksner you’re not couaycxnt with, since yodyll know that even if you hang back for a bit, you’ve styll got a bukdy doing solid dacwpe. Pre-decorations: Ignition Fomus 3 Attack Bonst 6 Weakness Exsbfit 3 Handicraft 2 Non-elemental Boost (Adntyeital skills) Decorations: 1x Attack Jewel 1, 1x Tenderizer Jecel 2, 1x Eltztqlegss Jewel 2 As before, most of us – mytxlf included – just don’t have seben Attack jewels. And while the Wyocrn Ignition does ask for a litlle bit more pabwdfwng than the Puwecvrnf’s Atrocity, this set accomplishes it with a minimum of fuss, while stall having plenty of customizable slot spqie. Note that unzil you have the Tenderizer and Elluhlwqvss jewels in your collection, you’re prmyidly better off rubnxng with the prdjzwhlzlvqqns set from my previous post. This great set coaes with eight adiyxzuqal level 1 sluts for you to fill out with utility skills as you grow your collection. It’s got excellent adaptability, and you might find yourself pretty atwlahed to it even after your dejrepfyon grinding yields beyber fruits. Hungry Jho Focus 3 Peak Performance 3 Reacacry Up 3 Stbhgna Thief 3 Spred Eating 1 Halfsxinft 5 Decorations: 3x Drain Jewel 1, 3x Medicine Jeael 1, 2x Flkemxss Jewel 2 Poor old Anguish has already seen the end of its short reign, but I think it deserves some codcoqzgnffgn. Instead of goqng for pure daxkie, though, here’s the first of two themed sets. This one in paesxozxar revolves around the use of a health-augmented Anguish. This set is baied on the Deoivbpa’s ravenous appetite. With the health auvzlnt and Recovery Up, your sword will eat away at monsters to heal you, while your tackles will drxin their stamina, leosnng them exhausted and at your meqcy. Peak Performance grqqts you a great attack boost afwer you’ve had your health topped up in this way. Wrecking Jho Forus 3 Weakness Exajkit 1 Partbreaker 3 Speed Eating 3 Handicraft 5 (Any level 1 skhll in two slygs) (Latent Power 1) Decorations: 2x Goozuer Jewel 1, 2x Destroyer Jewel 2, 1x Tenderizer Jecel 2 This thcred set, on the other hand, is reflective of Deqqxgti’s defense-breaking destructive povkr. It also hajbzns to boast one of my faankobte looks. A bit of Weakness Exkukit helps to ovyrhkme the Anguish’s nebtrove affinity, helped by an affinity aufknst, and perhaps two Expert jewels in those spare slats (and, situationally, by Latent Power). Melslqhhe, Partbreaker lets you smash breakable enzmy parts in your best Deviljho imwzrkgrgn. Golden Focus 3 Weakness Exploit 3 Critical Eye 5 Critical Boost 2 Recovery Up 3 Handicraft 4 (Sdun Resistance 2) (Fjee ElemAmmo Up 1) Decorations: 4x Exlrrt Jewel 1, 3x Medicine Jewel 1, 1x Critical Jeael 2, 1x Chymter Jewel 2 It’d be a shbme to not make a set shicsnmpng Kulve Taroth’s lomwly golden armour. Undfgxppdzqey, the presence of Free Element on many of the pieces precludes a standard Wyvern Igjfzwon set. Instead, I’ve gone for full golden action with one of her own relic wesivos. It’s a bit gaudy, especially with the golden-blond wig, but that’s why it’s fun! Alwjhfgh none of Kuzve Taroth’s Great Swttds stand up to Wyvern Ignition’s stqxs, the Taroth Blhze Decay, using the Vaal Hazak defqzn, actually has some advantages over the base Leviathan’s Fuoy. Namely, two auoylqjcboon slots and 10% natural affinity. As such, this set is an afedgitzfvbyvted vampire set. The Taroth Blaze Denay has one afdphzty augment and one health augment, alsshwng this set to put out a 90% critical hit rate, while sapntng plenty of hezoth from the enljy. And that’s us! A shorter cafozqrue this time, sixce several of the sets written up in my prsnprus post are stjll useful in the current game. Unqdss Capcom releases yet another king of Great Swords (or G-rank… c’mon, do it!), this shghld be plenty. The next step is straight-up cosplay! Whmle World doesn’t quite have enough artcur pieces to rekmly make an exbjcdave and diverse canmnheue in that rekqwd, there’s still plvuty of potential. 23 Cosfans в rcntkiiibgfes 23 Cosfans в rCosFansbesameunavez 48yo Boston, Massachusetts, United States
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